In the Application Operations world, with huge infrastructure estate & multi tenant applications. Log analysis is not a easy task. During any major issues it is always important to review analyse and interpret the logs. It's never an easy task to perform with a ssh console. Centralised logging will help to provide visibility of the health & performance of the application, enabling the operation team to easily drill down to issues. What should we expect from a open search and analytics engine tool, Collection of data Centralise and…
Due to password policy set on the database for the users to expire in 180 days, all the users were expired which are used by SOA. Error : Caused by: JPS-01055: Could not create credential store instance. Reason Can not connect DB with URL [jdbc:oracle:thin:@//soaosbdb:1521/ORCLPDB1.LOCALDOMAIN] ... 35 more Caused by: Can not connect DB with URL [jdbc:oracle:thi…
Situation: Currently faces a situation where I had to showcase a use case locally developed on my personal machine to clients. In oder to achieve this had to expose my localhost services over the web so that it can be viewed. Observations: There are 2 solutions to exposing the local services using port forwarding. 1. Configure your router to open specific ports of your router a.k.a Port forwarding. Where in the router can be configured with opening the port of the router and exposing a specific port of your machine. This has some risks inv…
Senario: Weblogic container consisted of 3 servers on port 7001, 8001 & 9001. On addition of additional server there was a need to expose and additional port 9002. As port 9002 was not exposed the services over the port ver not exposed externally. Below is the image of the current state of the container using docker ps command. We expect to expose the port 9002 without recreating the container. Above image shows the expected port post updates. Solution: 1. list the containers using docker command. docker ps 2. Shut down all the container…
For overview of Swagger tools refer Swagger - OpenAPI Specification (OAS) Installing Swagger UI - Docker Pull the docker image - docker pull swaggerapi/swagger-ui Run the docker image - docker run -p 80:8080 swaggerapi/swagger-ui Customisation : To the above command lets add some customisation, BASE_URL : To customise the URL to specific keywords. SWAGGER_JSON : Specify your json files generated from the editor. docker run -p 8080:8080 -e BASE_URL=/swaggerUI -e SWAGGER_JSON=/apispecs/swagger.json -v /apispecs:/apispecs swaggerapi/swagger-ui …
Swagger is obsolete and the current is known as OpenAPI Specification (OAS). Swagger API project was created in 2011 the basic necessity for the tool evolved from automation of API documentation and client SDK generation. Swagger API project was made open source in September 2011. On 1 January 2016, the Swagger specification was renamed to OpenAPI Specification. OAS was based on the Swagger Specification How does OAS helps? OAS is sponsored by Linux foundation and supported by industry leaders including Google, IBM, and Microsoft who are fou…
Oracle WebLogic Sub deployment : A sub deployment is a mechanism by which JMS module resources (such as queues, topics, and connection factories) are grouped and targeted to a server resource (such as JMS servers, server instances, or cluster). Sub deployments helps in 1.Improves network traffic between the components connection factories, queues and topics. 2.During migration all the components can be easily migrated to a new instance. Subdeployment is used for both standalone queues & topic as well distributed. Standalone queues or topi…
Scenario : Spinning up containers with dependency on each other in a sequence. Startup of docker containers using shell script. Verification if the docker container is started. Option to Mount and unmount the containers. Execution: sh -mount / -unmount / -remount Mount - to spin up the containers Unmount - Shoutdown the containers Remount - TODO For the latest update refer : GIT #/bin/bash #Purpose: # Startup of docker containers using shell script. # Verfification if the docker container is started. # Option to Mount and unmoun…
Splunk on dockers for personal evaluation **Not recommended for use in production environments** Easily create Splunk environment. Lab environments Reduced hardware dependency Installation & configuration of Splunk docker containers. Step 1 : Pull splunk images from docker hub. Splunk Enterprise: “docker pull splunk/splunk” Splunk Universal Forwarder: “docker pull splunk/universalforwarder” Step 2 : Run the docker Container docker run --name splunk -p 7050:8000 -p "7051:7051" -p "7052:7052" -v /home/user/mydo…
In the below post I have tried to cover the basic terms which you will need to understand to start working with Docker. More information and reading refer to Docker Docs. Docker - The docker daemon process running on the host which manages images and containers. This is always referred to as Docker Engine. Container - Its a runtime instance of a docker image. Which consist of Docker image Execution environment Set of instructions Docker Hub - The Docker Hub is a centralized repository with Docker and its components. Which consist of, Docker i…
In this post, I have tried to cover most of the basic commands which are required to start working with Docker. docker –version Get the currently installed version of docker docker pull Pull images from the docker repository( docker run Create a container from an image docker start docker stop docker ps list the running containers docker ps -a show all the running and exited containers docker images lists all the locally stored docker images docker rm used to delete a stopped container docker rmi used to delete an image from …
In this blog, will demonstrate how to install Docker on Ubuntu. Below is the small post from the official documentation provided by docker and from my experience. To read more on the same refer the official website at Docker Docs The current Docker Engine package is now called docker-ce. Older versions of Docker were called docker,, or docker-engine. If you really want to use docker for some complex build images I will recommend the below steps to be performed. If you want to try docker for some fun or basics then you can use the …
Certificates format widely accepted, PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Governed by RFCs, it's used preferentially by open-source software. Most common format used for certificates Private Key : YES, Private key in seperate file. Format : Base64 encoded ASCII files Extensions : .cer, .crt, .pem, .key DER (The parent format of PEM.) All types of certificates & private keys can be encoded in DER format. DER formatted certificates when opened in editor do not contain the BEGIN CERTIFICATE or END CERTIFICATE. Private Key …