Weblogic server failed to startup - SOA database user expired.

Due to password policy set on the database for the users to expire in 180 days, all the users were expired which are used by SOA.

Error :

Caused by: oracle.security.jps.service.credstore.CredStoreException: JPS-01055: Could not create credential store instance. Reason oracle.security.jps.service.policystore.PolicyStoreException: Can not connect DB with URL [jdbc:oracle:thin:@//soaosbdb:1521/ORCLPDB1.LOCALDOMAIN]

... 35 more

Caused by: oracle.security.jps.service.policystore.PolicyStoreException: Can not connect DB with URL [jdbc:oracle:thin:@//soaosbdb:1521/ORCLPDB1.LOCALDOMAIN]

... 35 more

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-28001: the password has expired

Action :
  1. Connect to the same database instance with sys user.
  2. Reset all the SOA users.
  3. Set the password policy to never expire.

1. List the users 

SELECT * FROM dba_users where username like 'SOA%';

2. Get the user metadata from dual.


3. Alter the user with the above identifier.

ALTER USER "SOAOSB1_WLS_RUNTIME" IDENTIFIED BY VALUES 'S:E4961885406850E7F5129E4CB895F5BA9C3F555B2A31159AC0E73401B8FB;T:77A146CD27ACD7AAAB84C9B6010F58950E8429C9C2A3C3060B8D27E400FB8DDB63E6552E8104CA4A272CB9DDEA5CF78FC221DA2FA8A5E475EB19CEC789C8DCA1E4E83816DA5BC7994A2DA8505F9BDAEC';

Perform the steps 2 & 3 for all the users.

Set the user to never expire.

alter profile DEFAULT limit PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME unlimited;
alter profile DEFAULT limit PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME  unlimited;

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