Due to password policy set on the database for the users to expire in 180 days, all the users were expired which are used by SOA.
Error :
Caused by: oracle.security.jps.service.credstore.CredStoreException: JPS-01055: Could not create credential store instance. Reason oracle.security.jps.service.policystore.PolicyStoreException: Can not connect DB with URL [jdbc:oracle:thin:@//soaosbdb:1521/ORCLPDB1.LOCALDOMAIN]
... 35 more
Caused by: oracle.security.jps.service.policystore.PolicyStoreException: Can not connect DB with URL [jdbc:oracle:thin:@//soaosbdb:1521/ORCLPDB1.LOCALDOMAIN]
... 35 more
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-28001: the password has expired
Action :
- Connect to the same database instance with sys user.
- Reset all the SOA users.
- Set the password policy to never expire.
1. List the users
SELECT * FROM dba_users where username like 'SOA%';
2. Get the user metadata from dual.
3. Alter the user with the above identifier.
ALTER USER "SOAOSB1_WLS_RUNTIME" IDENTIFIED BY VALUES 'S:E4961885406850E7F5129E4CB895F5BA9C3F555B2A31159AC0E73401B8FB;T:77A146CD27ACD7AAAB84C9B6010F58950E8429C9C2A3C3060B8D27E400FB8DDB63E6552E8104CA4A272CB9DDEA5CF78FC221DA2FA8A5E475EB19CEC789C8DCA1E4E83816DA5BC7994A2DA8505F9BDAEC';
Perform the steps 2 & 3 for all the users.
Set the user to never expire.
alter profile DEFAULT limit PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME unlimited;
alter profile DEFAULT limit PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME unlimited;