Oracle Weblogic JMS Sub deployment

Oracle WebLogic Sub deployment : A sub deployment is a mechanism by which JMS module resources (such as queues, topics, and connection factories) are grouped and targeted to a server resource (such as JMS servers, server instances, or cluster).

Sub deployments helps in
1.Improves network traffic between the components connection factories, queues and topics.
2.During migration all the components can be easily migrated to a new instance.

Subdeployment is used for both standalone queues & topic as well distributed.
Standalone queues or topics can only be targeted to a single JMS server. So, standalone queues or topics cannot be assigned a subdeployment if other components of the subdeployment are targeted to multiple JMS servers.

Best Practice (Oracle):
  • One sub deployment should be created per module. 
  • Subdeployments are referred to as "advanced targeting" on the administration console. 
  • A single subdeployment aids simplicity - it's much easier for third parties to understand the targeting, and it reduces the chances of making configuration errors. 
  • If a single sub deployment is not sufficient, create two modules.
  • Populate the subdeployment only with JMS servers - not WebLogic servers. 
  • Only include the JMS servers that you wish to host destinations. This ensures that when the JMS resources are configured, they are targeted to the correct JMS servers. 
  • For modules that support non-distributed destinations, the subdeployment must only reference a single JMS Server. 
  • If you have a mix of distributed and non-distributed destinations, use two modules each with its own subdeployment.

Below example depicts the behaviour of Standalone and distributed queue and the sub deployment targets.

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