Oracle WebLogic Sub deployment : A sub deployment is a mechanism by which JMS module resources (such as queues, topics, and connection factories) are grouped and targeted to a server resource (such as JMS servers, server instances, or cluster). Sub deployments helps in 1.Improves network traffic between the components connection factories, queues and topics. 2.During migration all the components can be easily migrated to a new instance. Subdeployment is used for both standalone queues & topic as well distributed. Standalone queues or topi…
Scenario : Spinning up containers with dependency on each other in a sequence. Startup of docker containers using shell script. Verification if the docker container is started. Option to Mount and unmount the containers. Execution: sh -mount / -unmount / -remount Mount - to spin up the containers Unmount - Shoutdown the containers Remount - TODO For the latest update refer : GIT #/bin/bash #Purpose: # Startup of docker containers using shell script. # Verfification if the docker container is started. # Option to Mount and unmoun…