Portlets Comparison :

JSF Portlets
Web Clipping
Programmatic Portlets Standards-Based/PDK-Java

General Suitability
Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge exposes JSF and ADF artifacts as JSR 286 portlets.
A simple wizard-based tool, accessible from a browser, that assists in retrieving and presenting web content that originates from other web sites in a Framework application.
Wizard-based tool, accessible from a browser, that assists in retrieving and presenting data from a wide variety of data sources.
PDK-Java offers Oracle-specific application programming interfaces (APIs) for building portlets for use in Framework applications and Oracle Portal.
Standards-based portlets additionally work with portals of other vendors. WebCenter Portal: Framework supports both WSRP and JSR 286 standards.

Expertise Required
No expertise required.
No expertise required.
Basic understanding of one or more supported data sources and the concepts of portlet and page parameters.
Java, Servlet, JSP knowledge.

Supported Data Sources

No limitations.
Any web site accessible on the network over HTTP or HTTPS.
CSV, XML, web service, SQL, web site, JCA.
No limitations.

Deployment Type
WSRP producers using Oracle JDeveloper or manually.
PDK-Java producers
PDK-Java producers
PDK-Java uses PDK-Java producers.
Standards-based portlets use WSRP producers.

Caching Style
Expiry-based caching, validation-based caching (auto invalidate when personalized).
Expiry-based caching, validation-based caching (auto invalidate when personalized).
Expiry-based caching, validation-based caching (auto invalidate when personalized).
Expiry-based, validation, and invalidation caching, Edge Side Includes.
Note: JSR 286 does not support validation based caching. WSRP 1.0 does. If you use a pure WSRP portlet, then validation-based caching is also supported. If you host a JSR portlet on WSRP (as is done in WebCenter Portal: Framework) then validation-based caching is not supported.

Development Tool
Oracle JDeveloper Oracle JSF Portlet Bridge/JSF Portletization dialog.
Browser - wizard.
Browser - wizard.
Oracle JDeveloper Java Portlet wizard (or any other Java development environment).

Portlet Creation Style
Develop a JSF application first, convert it into a JSF portlet later.
design time at runtime.
design time at runtime.
Develop first, add later.

User Interface Flexibility
Very Flexible.
Very flexible, by using the HTML layout.
Very flexible.

Ability to Capture Content from Web Sites
Depends upon the application being portletized.
Yes, by its nature.
Yes, by using the Web Page Data Source.
For PDK-Java, use theoracle.portal.provider.v2.* package.
For standards-based portlets, use thejava.net package.

Ability to Render Content Inline
No. However, inline rendering can be achieved through public portlet parameters.
For PDK-Java, use private portlet parameters.
Standards-based portlets include servlets and JSPs, using the methodPortletContext.getRequestDispatcher().

Charting Capability
Yes, 2D-3D charts.
Yes, using BI Beans.

Public Portlet Parameter Support

Private Portlet Parameter Support

Ability to Hide and Show Portlets Based on User Privileges
No, though it is possible to apply security managers that are not exposed through the user interface (UI).
No, though it is possible to apply security managers that are not exposed through the UI.
For PDK-Java, by using the Security managers.
For standards-based portlets, the Servlet security model is supported by using methods such as PortletRequest.isUserInRole()and PortletRequest.getUserPrincipal().

Multilingual Support

Pagination Support
Yes, programmatically

Authenticating to External Applications
Through custom user attributes.
External application integration supported.
Basic authentication support if the data source requires it.
For PDK-Java portlets, external application integration is supported. LDAP integration is supported when the portlet is running behind the same firewall as the LDAP server.
For standards-based portlets, though not specifically supported, external application support is feasible through custom user attributes.) LDAP integration is supported.
For more info please visit Oracle

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